“Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners.” – 1 Corinthians 15:33
I AM NOT AN “EVANGELICAL.” I despise the word, and I despise the thought of being associated with the word in any way. Why does this designation repulse me so? Because an evangelical is almost certainly one who uses a perverted “Bible” translation like the “New International Version”, who believes an accursed false gospel like “Lordship Salvation”, who enjoys carnal religious rock and the worldliness it promotes. I do not use those false “Bibles”, nor believe that false gospel, nor partake of that false “worship”. That is not me. I pray God, it never will be me, that I will never be so backslidden and corrupted as to tolerate, if not outright adopt, the disgusting false doctrines, the sickening apostasy, the shameless compromise of the evangelical. Call me what you may – a bigot, a fool, an intolerant, narrow-minded imbecile – but do not call me an “evangelical.” I am nothing of the kind, and if the day should come when I am something of the kind – when I tolerate and defend heresies rather than refute them, when I sanction Bible perversions rather than expose them, when I call evil good, and good evil – those who contend for the faith, would do well to contend against me.
If you prefer, I can preface the rest of this article with the obligatory admission that I am not claiming that all evangelicals are “bad people”, or that they are all insincere, or that they are all knowingly serving the devil. I have known some to be exceptionally kind, and generous, and thoughtful, and I do not intend to condemn them personally; my issues lie in their doctrine, and the many ways it contradicts the scriptures. That I have encountered many evangelicals who validate their unfavorable reputation as self-righteous hypocrites which adore the popular, counterfeit “Christianity” of modernity but are averse to the doctrines of Christ has no bearing upon the fact that evangelicalism is an abomination to the Almighty.
If you have mistakenly supposed this website to be an “evangelical” website, I challenge you to look hither for hypocritical articles forbidding “judging”, while concurrently condemning those who obey the biblical command to judge righteous judgement (John 7:24) as ungodly Pharisees. Search these annals for essays hailing false prophets like John MacArthur and swindlers like Pat Robertson as “great men of God.” Inquire concerning material trumpeting the ecumenical movement and all of the unbiblical, unsound doctrines it promotes. Seek out support for the murderous regime of Israel and the sadistic methods it has deployed for conquering the land it has no biblical right to claim. You will find nothing of the kind, because this website exists to rebuke sharply those very things.
Evangelicals consider patriotism a virtue, but I do not. I loathe it as heathenism and foolery, for no man can serve two masters, and no Christian ought support a government as wicked and despicable as our own. Evangelicals view salvation as a kind of religious experience accompanied by magical feelings and unique sensations, but I do not. Salvation is not an “experience” characterized by tingling outbursts of emotion; it is an acknowledgement that one is a sinner who cannot save himself from hell, and a decision to believe the gospel of Jesus Christ as his only hope for heaven. Evangelicals consider which Bible one uses a minor issue, but I do not. I have demonstrated time and again within these pages the difference between the King James Bible and the modern translations is the difference between a freshwater lake and a stream of sewage.
Evangelicals adore the counterfeit nation of Israel as a fulfillment of prophecy and the rightful homeland of God’s chosen people, but I do not. No verse in the King James Bible prophecies the “return” of Christ-rejecting Jews to a land they have no right to claim, much less their savage butchering of Palestinians which has spanned nearly eight decades. No verse in the King James Bible condones the unlawful deeds of hellbound Jews which despise the Lord Jesus and hold the vile text of the Talmud above the holy scriptures. And no verse in the King James Bible classifies liars and antichrists who deny that Jesus is the Christ and have persecuted the prophets of God for millennia as “God’s chosen people.” Contrariwise, Romans 9:8 plainly declares that the children of the flesh are NOT the children of God.
No, I am not an evangelical, and this website is not an evangelical website. It resists evangelicalism, just as it resists Catholicism, and humanism, and Buddhism, and all other false religions built upon false doctrines promulgated by false teachers. If you consider yourself an evangelical, I cannot say I respect your false doctrines, but I can say that you will not go to heaven if you think how you live your life will “help” you get there, because the evangelical path of “turning from your sins” and making Jesus the “Lord” of your life to be saved is a path to hell. You must rely only upon Jesus Christ, who died on the cross to pay for your sins with his blood, and rose from the dead unto your justification. After all, Immanuel warned that many will seek to enter heaven, but shall not be able (Luke 13:24). Please do not be among that many; receive Christ as your Savior, apart from all your works of righteousness, lest the lake of fire be your eternal abode.